Metro Movies 2016

Ready for a dazzling makeover of metro station Bullewijk? Metro Movies will stir up the place with some very exciting films in the open air, unexpected crossovers with music, spoken word and theatre, crazy speed-dates and delicious food from all over the world #thisisdivercity


* Fri sept 9 *
Special compilation of the renowned documentary series Nederland van Boven (VPRO) / a visual mind trip provided with poetic commentary by Jörgen UNOM JG (Poetry Circle Nowhere) and poet&writer Ellen Deckwitz.

* Sat sept 10 *
Screening of the award-winning film Dear White People (Justin Simien) / American satire about racism and white privilege in the Obama era, introduced by actrice Samora Bergtop (A Raisin in the Sun).

Location: Station Bullewijk,



