Gender identity and the future of diversity

MAFB | Gender identity and the future of diversity 26.06 Bautzuid

  • Zaterdag 26 September , 2015
  • 19:00 uur tot 23:00 PM aCEST
  • Amsterdam

MAFB, Noun and Bautzuid organize a single exhibition. And a panel discussion on the theme ‘Gender identity and the future of diversity in design, fashion and art from early prejudices towards a contemporary theory'. None other than Sylvana Simons presents the evening and the panel discussion.

* Els van der Plas (director National Ballet)
* JeanPaul Paula (fashion stylist)
* Sebas van der Sangen (coordinator events EU 2016)
* Sunny Jansen (dj covergirl)
* Aynouk Tan (journalist NRC Handelsblad)

Lieke Alblas, Pascale De Koning, Afke Kunja, Lisa Ottevanger and Janice Deul give their views on the topic in the Bautzuid Gallery with several small art exhibitions

Pop up 
Nobody has to Know, NHTK gender fashion

And behind the turntables DJ's Richard Soesanna and Travis Allen (Black kid from paradise)

RSVP for free entrance (be on time to avoid disappointment)


